2 thoughts on “Our December Sale!

  1. Hi there,

    1. Trying to become a member and receive e-mail newsletters. The screen says that page does not exist. Can you help?

    2. We will be fundraising to create a hospice palliative care residence here in Eastern Ontario (Hawkesbury area). Would we be able to obtain beads etc. from your wholesale outlet? We are a registered incorporated charitable organization with our business number. I would be paying by my credit card.

    Thanks for the info and Happy New Year. I look forward to visiting your outlet the next time I am in Toronto!

    Ingrid Aartman
    Hospice Simons Palliative Care centre de soins palliative

    1. Hello there, I am not certain which page you used to apply for membership, but here is what is best.
      Just go to the Outlet and apply on site before you shop. The Outlet is open to anyone with no minimums, so you can go anytime and receive the wholesale pricing.

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