We are celebrating the festive season with a special day in the store. Meet our teachers, play with some products and learn a new technique or two!
Wire and Beaded Tree
Nancy will show you how to make a beaded Christmas tree with wire.
You’ll want to wear it as pendant or feature it as an ornament.
Time: 11am – 2pm (three hours)
Festive Earrings
Melanie will show you how to make festive ball earrings. There are several ideas for this project and Melanie will show you several versions.
Time: 1pm – 4pm (three hours)
Beaded Snowflake
Laurie will demonstrate our fabulous snowflake frames.
You’ll make one too! They look gorgeous on a tree or as a sun catcher.
Time: 12 – 3pm (three hours)
1st Stitch and Bitch
Emma will be hosting a casual gathering in the classroom. Bring an unfinished project and enjoy knitting and crocheting with others. Emma will be happy to demonstrate a stitch you might like to learn and she can help you with problem projects too!
Time: 11am – 2pm (three hours)
Please let us know if you are attending by phoning the store or emailing.
We cannot guarantee you a time or spot for each demo, but we will keep a sign up sheet at each table so you can sign in and then wander through the store.
Facebook Event Signup – www.facebook.com/JohnBeadOutlet/
Phone: (416) 757-9554